“Can RIAP change my clinical practice?”

The title of the symposium is a question whose answer is certain: the use of the information provided by arthroplasty registries can improve the surgeon performance.

Since the Seventies, in Scandinavian countries data from arthroplasty registries have been the main source of information for surgeons and over the years have led to standardized practice and reproducible
results. In the United Kingdom, based on a greater number of registered procedures and a highly refined methodology, the National Joint Registry (NJR) has achieved a better understanding of the variables that can affect joint replacement outcomes. In addition, the dissemination of the data collected and the results reached by registries to the Orthopedic community and the public has led to a shared knowledge capable of addressing medical practice and clinical research.

Today RIAP is firmly established in many Italian regions. As a matter of fact, by law it is now mandatory for orthopedic surgeons to provide the regional registries on a regular basis and that the companies and bodies of the Italian National Health Service must keep them continuously updated.

What is left to verify is RIAP’s capacity of improving the Italian clinical practice of orthopedic surgeons.

We discussed the issue, comparing some experiences and health care systems with Timothy Wilton (NJR Medical Director), Keith Tucker (Chair of ODEP), Gustavo Zanoli and Emilio Romanini (SIOT-GLOBE) and Marina Torre (RIAP Director RIAP, Italian National Institute of Health).

8th november 15:00-16:00

Venue: Room Ellisse - Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria Congress Centre


Chairmen: Prof. Pietro Bartolozzi and Prof. Araldo Causero


Dr. Andrea Piccioli - Director General Italian National Institute of Health

Presentation of RIAP

Ing. Marina Torre

How the NJR changed our clinical practice

Dr. Timothy Wilton

Implants benchmarking: ODEP & beyond compliance

Dr. Keith Tucker

How the Italian National Arthroplasty Registry could change our clinical practice

Prof. Gustavo Zanoli, Co-speaker: Prof. Emilio Romanini



The ODEP forms, main topic of the speech "Implants benchmarking: ODEP & beyond compliance", can be downloaded here: http://www.odep.org.uk/SubmitaProduct.aspx


Download the RIAP symposium flyer

Presentazione del RIAP - M. Torre

How the NJR changed our clinical practice - T. Wilton

Implants benchmarking ODEP beyond compliance - K. Tucker

Come il registro nazionale italiano potrebbe cambiare la pratica clinica - G. Zanoli